Welcome to 4th ICSSED 2020


The fragility, collapse, and ruin of the nation needs to be prevented. One of the strategies is developing moral, education, and social science. Moral leads man to a virtue; virtue shows the direction of truth and civilization. Without morality, a person will only fall into practical / pragmatic choices that destroy human logical reasoning. But, the morality of educated people today is truly worrying. Pramoedyan Ananta Toer wrote, "In this Indies, sir, as far as I noticed, so many scholars received positions in the Governor's office, he quitted as an educated person. He was tempted with general mentality of priyayi (upper class group of people): rigid, greedy, crazy, and corrupt”(Toer, 2010).

In line with Pram, Kuntowijoyo (1991) argues that humans are now experiencing a process of dehumanization since industrial society encourages us to be part of an abstract society which neglects humanity. We are treated as objects when we are in the midst of political and market machines. Science and technology contribute to the reduction tendency which views humans partially. Meanwhile, Driyarkara mentions that the human’s dignity as a person lies in the sovereignty over himself. Humans need to be independent as his/her nature. Independent men will be able to do what they want. In addition, Independent human beings also encourage individual transformation towards social transformation. Even, independent humans will not become rulers and / or slaves of others because they understand each other's position and their role in the universe (Sudiarja, et al (Peny), 2006).

Human nature needs to be fostered through education because education will produce civilized humans. They are educated in a humane humanitarian system. When humans are educated in the system, the future will be bright and promising. However, the problem is that education within the social science view is increasingly marginalized. Social sciences are increasingly ignored by policy makers. Especially amidst the talk of the industrial revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0, social science really chokes, borrowing the term of Bartens (2009). Ironically, based on the notes of Hadiz (2006), the humanities social science is often trapped in the "justification" of power. The legitimacy of power by the humanities social science seems to diminish the steps in developing and improving humanity. In fact, the social sciences of humanities often become a stamp for government policy. Therefore, humanities social science research seems dull and has no broad impact except to satisfy what the "interest owners" desired.

Therefore, the reconstruction of moral, education and social science is badly needed. Reconstruction becomes part of managing the future. The future is not far ahead. The future is today. Kasali (2017) states that the paradigm of the future is a mystery that is outdated and ancient. He says that the future is before us today. However, we often let our guard down and deny it. With regard to the explanation above, finding sustainable innovation within the framework of SDGs is a challenge and an opportunity. SDGs need to get a touch of social science. Social science will guide human towards humanity. Moral and education need to contribute in describing the 17 main objectives of the SDGs. Moral and education are the right formula to restore humanity in the era that relies on-not to mention deifying - technology. Humanity is needed to restore the soul of an independent human being.





  • Social Sciences and Laws
  • History and Cultural Studies
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Moral and Humanities
  • Policy, Politics, and Communication
  • Education


  1. Dr. Ruud Luijkx (Tilburg University)
  2. Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat (Professor of Phylosophy of Religion, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia)
  3. Prof. Brian Stout (Dean of School of Social Science, Western Sydney University)


Host:  Faculty of Social Sciences, Yogyakarta State University


  1. Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) 
  2. Universitas Negeri Malang (UM)
  3. Universitas Metro Lampung (UM Metro)
  4. Universiti Teknologi MARA  (UiTM)
  5. Universitas Bunda Mulia (UBM)
  6. Perkumpulan Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah Se-Indonesia



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